Wednesday 10 October 2012


My name is Mrs. Chinwe Biringa. I am the mother of Mr. Chiadika Biringa, a second year student of Theater Arts at the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT). My husband is a very senior staff officer at the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC. University of Port Harcourt students brutally

                                  beaten and burnt alive.

My son turned 20 years old this week and we gave him pocket money to celebrate it with his friends. On Friday morning, we were called by my second son, also a UNIPORT student, that all was not well and he was hearing bad rumours that villagers at ALUU, the host community of UNIPORT had
                        murdered four students....continue reading]

I immediately rushed to the scene only to see my son’s dead body being taken away naked to a mortuary in UNIPORT Teaching Hospital. I could not believe my eyes and collapsed. What did my son do? What did the other three young men who died with him do? First, we heard that the four students were alleged to have stolen a Blackberry phone and a laptop computer. This could not be further from the truth. My son has had a Blackberry phone and in fact a laptop computer since he was in primary school. No way could my son steal such a common thing as a cell phone which every village

                                  woman now owns

‘We have been subjected to several gory videos and pictures on the internet. This shows that someone filmed the whole barbarism from beginning to end. My son and his friends were savagely beaten and burnt to death while villagers at ALUU watched. All this has been caught on film! The video shows that all this was filmed in broad day light which suggests that they were killed after 7.30 am Further investigation has revealed that they left their friend’s house at ALUU at about 7 am to go.
                                        and prepare for lectures

 To waylay them and beat them with planks until they died like chicken is the most savage thing one can witness in Nigeria of 2012. First they were stripped naked, marched around like frogs and then beaten to death. What savagery and bestiality.

My husband and I want only two things, namely:a) To clear the name of Chiadika, b justice

Your Excellency, every responsible parent knows what I, my husband, and the entire family are passing through over this beastly murder

Again, and for emphasis, the film shows everything in clear view and all the perpetrators must answer                         for their crimes

We want Justice. Those who murdered my son must face the wrath of the law. Heartbroken mother
                              Mrs. Chinwe Biringa

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